What I Wish I Knew: Before I Became a Manager

Sponsored by Guidehouse, the What I Wish I Knew webinar series features experts in their fields discussing aspects of leadership.

On March 16, three alums shared their perspectives on the prospect and process of becoming a manager in the federal space:

  • Mark Johnston, former HUD Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development and winner of the Samuel J. Heyman Citizen Services Medal (1983 PMI)

  • Leticha Hawkins, Human Resources Manager at the NASA Ames Research Center (1990 PMF)

  • Henry Hensley, Deputy Director for Management at the DOJ US Trustees Program (2008 PMF)

They drew on the their decades of combined leadership and management experience to help us identify pitfalls, opportunities, and hacks that will leave you better prepared to lead others and take on new responsibilities.

Watch the discussion below.