Thoughts on the Attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021

PMAA condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the attack on the Capitol complex and American democracy that occurred on January 6, 2021. As current and former civil servants, we have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from threats both foreign and domestic. It is a tragic day when those threats are domestic and accompanied by treasonous, racist, and violent behavior that puts the lives of many Americans, elected officials, and dedicated public servants at risk. Those actions are a shameful affront to the patriotism, service, and bedrock humanity of each and every one of us. We reject the false divisions, white supremacy, and attempts to undermine our republic that inspired them.

We all rightfully feel anger, disappointment, and confusion, to say the least.

Even in that dark chaos, however, there were clear examples of service to others and country before self. We applaud the actions of the law enforcement officers, elected officials, and legislative staffers who selflessly protected both the people and the process under attack. We are grateful that their actions allowed the work of democracy to resume swiftly and securely. We eagerly await those responsible being held to full account for their reprehensible actions.

In the coming days, PMAA encourages everyone to be especially diligent regarding safety protocols not just for themselves, but for colleagues, guests, and visitors as well. We all remain committed to the peaceful transition of power based on the electoral process and the preservation of our representative government. For today, we find comfort in our shared Oath of Office, and the knowledge that even under duress, it remains well and faithfully executed by so many in the federal family.

The Presidential Management Alumni Association