What's Next for PMFs?: A Networking Event for Graduating PMFs and Alumni

We co-hosted our first official PMAA event with the Partnership for Public Service. And it was pretty great, in our humble opinion.

We networked, we talked about the future, we listened to great advice and conversations about finding opportunities after the fellowship is completed. We even used Facebook Live to broadcast the speaking program. If you haven't seen it, not to worry it's still on our (new) Facebook page (or press play above).

Not enough time for a hour long video? Bryant Renaud (2016 PMF) has you covered. He posted a great summary here.

We want to thank our fantastic partners for this event:

  • Partnership for Public Service: for event coordination, staffing, and the amazing conference space.

  • OPM PMF Office: for publicizing the event, event support, and bringing loads of current fellows.

  • Guidehouse: for their generous sponsorship, which allowed us to offer delicious refreshments.

We also want to thank Jenny Kim (2002 PMF) for spending the evening with us to share her insights about how to handle change successfully. And a special thank you to our panelists as well: Gary Norman, Jessica Deihl, and CQ Hyunh for sharing their experiences.