Outreach to Academia

UPDATE 4/30/2020: In addition to the resources below, make sure you check out OPM’s new pamphlet for agencies on the PMF program!

A very special thank you to our friends in the PMF office at OPM for hosting our very first PMAA webinar on Outreach to Academia. PMAA Board Member Patricia Soler, PMAA Executive Director Maria De Fazio, PMF Program Director Adrienne Gallagher, and PMF Office Outreach Coordinator Brandon Jacobsen shared their insights and tips for organized, effective outreach to academic institutions to help prep Alumni to make contact ahead of the 2020 Application Period opening.

If you couldn't make the training, or are looking for good resources to use, we've got you covered.

Click here to view a recording of the webinar using Adobe Connect. (Due to technical difficulties, the recording begins a few minutes into the session, but still covers the vast majority of the information.)

We've made the following PDFs available as well:

  1. copies of talking points

  2. the slides used during the webinar

  3. common application mistakes

  4. PMF myths vs. facts

  5. heat map of PMF hiring

For specific application questions, you should direct folks to the PMF website about the 2020 application process.

A few outreach suggestions:

  • Talking points work best when you've had a chance to practice them out loud and familiarize yourself with the language. This will help you sound more organized and confident.

  • Be positive and encouraging about the PMI/PMF experience, but don't minimize the challenges or hard work required.

  • Be able to discuss two or three instances of the program providing you with critical support or opportunities, but encourage questions from your audience for a more natural conversation.

  • Don't be afraid to pass folks on to the PMF office directly for detailed or specific questions.

Helping recruit the next generation of PMFs is something we take very seriously at PMAA. And we are so thankful for your help educating this next class of extraordinary graduates and future leaders about the opportunities and challenges that await them in government.