Statement that Black Lives Matter

At PMAA, we believe systemic racism and white supremacy are fundamentally incompatible with the ethos of public service. They stand at odds with the constitutional promise of equal protection of the law. We rightfully feel anger, fear, frustration, disappointment, and hopelessness when faced with the ongoing and blatant ways in which past injustices continue and remain painfully present. People of Color, and the Black community, in particular, are rightfully furious and exhausted.

We support the Black Lives Matter movement and condemn the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless other victims of systemic racism and oppression. We condemn any and all who have unjustly harmed the people they are sworn to serve. We stand together with the victims of racism and marginalization, and with those who seek justice through protests nationwide. We believe our nation is better when Americans exercise their constitutional right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

We believe policy is a tool for positive change, but that action must follow good intentions. Therefore, PMAA will continue and strengthen our commitment to the following:

  1. Make diversity a critical criteria in our leadership selections at PMAA, membership recruitment, and strategic partnerships;

  2. Increase the percentage of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color that learn about, apply for, and successfully become PMFs; and

  3. Support our membership in taking anti-racist action in their communities and workplaces, including providing education and promoting related efforts and participation.

E pluribus unum continues to be our inspiration and aspiration, and the PMAA and our membership pursue it together.

The Presidential Management Alumni Association