Statement for Veterans Day

Veterans Day is an important day to recognize the bravery and sacrifice of the women and men who have served in our nation's military. As PMAA members, we know the call to serve our country, and military service is one of the most demanding forms of answering that call.

We also wish to take this opportunity to share a few resources on veteran homelessness and suicide prevention. Veterans are at disproportionate risk of suicide and homelessness and helping to address these issues is the least our country and ourselves can do in return for their service to us. We recommend these resources from the American Legion on veteran homelessness. We recommend these resources from the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention on veteran suicide prevention.

We encourage you to celebrate the veterans in your life and to check in on them, not just on Veterans Day, but throughout the year. Veterans are some of the bravest and toughest among us, but we are all human.

We at PMAA salute all of our veteran members.