Collaborate, Communicate, and Coordinate with the Federal Executive Board Near You!

The Federal Executive Board logo is displayed,; an eagle holds a banner reading "E Pluribus Unum" in its mouth a bundle of arrows in one foot and a holly branch in the other

Sixty years ago, President Kennedy signed an Executive Directive establishing the Federal Executive Board network. Its purpose is to connect and collaborate with federal agencies. These places are all outside of D.C., where 85% of the federal workforce works. What began as ten initial FEBs has now grown to 28.

We work under three major strategic areas; 1. Emergency Notification and Planning, 2. Workforce Development, and 3. Strategic Partnerships. In the areas we serve, the FEB is the sole federal agency responsible for notifying agency directors when there is an emergency. We have our emergency notification system like those in other federal agencies or your county.

We convene all federal government officials who work on emergency preparedness. During the pandemic, we were a critical voice back to OPM and OMB on the effects of the pandemic on the federal workforce. We supplied fact-based information to our local agencies, coordinated tens of thousands of masks delivered to federal agencies, and solved many interagency challenges. In San Francisco, we connected the California National Guard to the U.S. Coast Guard, providing required Covid testing for their staff.

We offer staffing-related services to agencies. Agencies come to us asking for assistance in recruitment and retention. We hold job fairs and encourage unique hiring authorities such as non-compete eligibility, veteran hiring, and rotation programs. We work with the Partnership for Public Service in celebrating the best amongst us during Public Service Recognition Week. Our leadership development programs are well known and sought after by both staff and executives to provide an opportunity for development.

Under strategic partnerships, we convene communities of practice such as public affairs, contracting officials, and training interagency councils. We also provide a free ADR service called the Shared Neutrals Program. We train a federal volunteer staff to become mediators. We then solicit our mediators to take mediation requests that we receive. This program saves the government millions of dollars in mediation fees.

I encourage you to reach out to a FEB if you have one in your area. To find us go to

Sara, author of this post, smiles in front of a flag depicting the Federal Executive Board's logo -- an eagle -- on a blue flag

Sara Russell is Executive Director at the San Francisco Federal Executive Board and a PMAA Board Member.

She oversees communication, coordination, and collaboration with the 450 federal offices, agencies, and departments in the Bay Area. She has strong leadership skills, a love of people, and a proven ability to coordinate a diverse group towards a common goal.