Community announcements
We are proud of our PMI/PMF alumni because...
PMAA represents over 40 years of alumni spread across the globe but, even in the age of social media, it can be hard to keep in touch and up-to-date. Alums are ambitious overachievers, path-less-taken innovators, and curious adventurers. We do some pretty amazing things and those accomplishments deserve to be celebrated by our community. Help us honor the folks that make the PMI/PMF experience so extraordinary: one another.
Share your updates with us!
Once you’ve reviewed the below guidelines, fill out and submit this form to let us all know what you’ve been up to!
What we're looking for:
Significant life events: births, adoptions, marriages, deaths
Career news: New jobs or ventures, change in geographic location, professional awards and honors
Personal or educational accomplishments: degrees, certifications, publications, completion of an extraordinary feat (marathon, cross country trek, etc), election to philanthropic organization leadership or public office
What we’re not looking for:
Car, apartment, rotation, job listings: check out the volunteer-run PMF io group for those
Training, networking, or development opportunities: we want those, just email them to us separately
Information on other alums that is not public or that you have not been authorized to share on their behalf (e.g., please encourage your fellow alums to let us know when they get an award or confirm with the family that an obituary is public before sharing with us)